As Each Year Passes | An Original Poem

I hate adulting

Adulting comes out during a game of hide-and-seek

Gaslighting childhood 

Into playing a game of hide-and-stay invisible

When I head for home

I jump into my time machine

But it mysteriously malfunctions 

Or maybe it’s due to the corruption 

Of the the world,

Our state,

My town’s 

Whispers grab me by the heart 

Listening to my heartbeat 

Waiting for an offbeat 

“They’re tearing down the elementary school.”

Mourning pools at the bottom of my stomach

The shore of acceptance a couple of feet away

But I’ve never been a good swimmer

Most people go home when the sky gets dimmer

But, at times, nature is the only connection that doesn’t wither

The only relationship that doesn’t slither

I remember the blue bench 

Dedicated to a boy who will forever remain that way

Now displaced by disheveled dirt 

Dirt that was once a witness to my tears 

Junior year when I put my fears on trial

And the verdict was rejection

In my dreams, I still see the silhouettes of the trees

I hear the comforting song of the leaves

Reminding me that even if I’m lost

I need to breathe 

That even if my world changes

I can’t isolate and retreat

Because only I remember the melody of my memories

Thanks for reading my poem! I recently joined my college’s slam poetry organization, and it has been such an interesting journey. I realized just how much I miss writing poetry. This has helped me start overcoming my fear of writing a bad poem. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. What’s your writing process? I hope you enjoyed reading. See y’all in the next post~

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